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Cleaning of various drinking water networks and wastewater pressure lines with our patented comprex® process.

Dr. Norbert Klein, Sebastian Immel
Condition assessment during flushing and
Cleaning of pipelines

The water master
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Dr. Norbert Klein, Sebastian Immel
Condition assessment during flushing and
Cleaning of pipelines

3R 04-05I2022
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Dr. Norbert Klein, Sebastian Immel, Thomas Bröde
Preventive netcare – two processes for different applications
bbr ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2021/2022
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Nina Malagol
20 years of preventive network maintenance in Rüsselsheim
wwt water management water technology, issue 9/2021
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Christian Beintken, Ralf Hugen, Jörg Meyer, Volker Wöhrmann
Wastewater disposal concept with penstock management and condition-based cleaning strategy
KA Correspondence Wastewater, Waste 2021 (68) No. 4
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Wet wipes in sewage pressure lines?
COMPREX® can help!

Information on the wet wipes problem in wastewater pressure lines
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Norbert Klein, Sebastian Immel, Wojciech Kowalczyk, Stefan Westermaier, Michael Plath, Stefan Fischer
REINER research project on energy efficiency in drinking water distribution -…
Recognize existing potential and use it through cleaning

energie | wasser-praxis, issue 12/2018
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Michael Arnold, Hans-Ruedi Iten, David Wigger
Economical cleaning of pressure lines during operation
DWA KA Betriebs-Info, Issue 04/2018 – October 2018
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DWA KA Operating Info

Norbert Klein
Cleaning and disinfection of drinking water supply systems
bbr Leitungsbau | Brunnenbau | Geothermie, Issue: 07/08 2018
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Norbert Klein
Cleaning and disinfection of drinking water supply systems
energie | wasser-praxis, Issue: 6/7 2018
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Norbert Klein
Comprex impulse flushing process – For cleaning pipelines
Aqua & Gas, Issue 03/2018
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Ralf Saftig and Norbert Klein
Retrofitting a clogged culvert pipeline – combination of two cleaning methods led to success
3R – Trade journal for piping systems, Issue: 12/2017
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Alexander Augustin
Cleaning wastewater pressure lines pays off
KA Betriebs-Info, Issue 04/2017 – October 2017
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Effective network maintenance increases operational reliability
energie | wasser-praxis, Issue: 03/2017
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Commentary from page 3 in the Newsletter of the Hygiene Inspectors Baden-Württemberg

Norbert Klein
Clean wastewater pressure lines during operation
3R – Trade Journal for Piping Systems, Issue: 12/2016
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N. Klein, S. Immel, W. Kowalczyk, S. Westermaier, M. Plath, D. Kaschulla, S. Fischer
Cleaning 2.0: Energy savings through lower pressure losses in water distribution
energie | wasser-praxis, Issue: 11/2016
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Thomas Bröde
COMPREX® netcare: intelligent maintenance with high sustainability
3R – Fachzeitschrift für Rohrleitungssysteme, Ausgabe: 04-05/2016
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News on pipe network maintenance and cleaning
3R – Trade Journal for Piping Systems, Issue: 03/2015
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S. Immel, S. Schimmelpfennig, N. Klein, C. Utke, R. Gnirss
Cleaning well galleries and raw water pipes online
wwt – Wasserwirtschaft Wassertechnik, Issue: 1-2/2014
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Hans-Jürgen Hahn
Animals in Drinking Water Distribution Networks – Ecology and Control in the Context of Climate Change

Proceedings of the 27th Oldenburg Piping Forum, 1st edition 2013, ISBN 9783802730412
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Norbert Klein
Removal of sediments, biofilms and animals from drinking water distribution networks – new tasks as a result of climate change?
Proceedings of the 27th Oldenburg Piping Forum, 1st edition 2013, ISBN 9783802730412
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Michael Mayer, Ulrich Szewzyk, Hans-Joachim Warnecke
The piping system as a habitat – possible influence on environmental factors – food sources for aquatic isopods.
Proceedings of the 27th Oldenburg Piping Forum, 1st edition 2013, ISBN 9783802730412
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Hans Jürgen Hahn, Norbert Klein
Animals in drinking water distribution, old topic – new perspective
Der Hygieneinspektor – Special issue drinking water hygiene, Issue: 8/2013
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Cleaning process proves its efficiency in BMBF joint project
3R – Trade Journal for Piping Systems, Issue: 4-5/2013
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Norbert Klein, Hans-Gerd Hammann
Cleaning as a measure for the safe operation of pipelines
3R – Trade Journal for Piping Systems, Issue: 11/2012
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Andreas Janning, Christian Schnell
Experience with COMPREX® netcare at Stadtwerke Steinfurt
DVGW energie / wasser-praxis, Issue: 7-8/2012
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Adrienne Kömmler-Bachmann
Air pigs clean water pipe
WasserspiegelMagazin, Issue: 5/2011
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Norbert Klein, Hans-Gerd Hammann
Valve rehabilitation in combination with pipe network cleaning
Industrial valves, Issue: 1/2011
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Hans-Gerd Hammann, Norbert Klein
Efficiently clean contaminated water distribution networks with COMPREX®.
The Hygiene Inspector, Issue: 12/2010
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Hans-Gerd Hammann, Norbert Klein
Efficient cleaning of water distribution networks
DVGW energie / wasser-praxis, Issue: 7-8/2010
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Norbert Klein, Hans-Gerd Hammann
Cleaning the raw water pipes secures the drinking water supply
DVGW energie / wasser-praxis, Issue: 6/2008
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